Husk å kjøp svettebånd.
Reisport universal håndleddsreimer fra Swiss, til dame/jente
Håndledsreimen er konstruert med to hull til fingrene, og en gummirull som er limt og sydd fast til reimen.
Reimen skal brukes ved den første knoken på langfingren og ringefingeren.
Ordinær leveringstid cirka 3-5 Arbeidsdager.
Quick Tips:
Before using your grips for the first time, take them to your gym coach in the factory bag and have the coach verify your size. If the grips are damaged, dirtied, or altered in any way, we cannot accept a return or exchange.
Once your coach has confirmed you have the correct size, have your coach demonstrate the appropriate method to wrap your wrist and hands into the grips. It is highly recommended to have either wristbands or plenty of athletic tape on your wrists before using any grips.